Viz Anchor is the latest Vizrt application targeted at the presenter in the studio. The application runs natively on Apple’s iPad and allows users to control newsroom playlists including video and graphics directly from the handheld device. With Viz Anchor the presenter can for example start and stop animations on a Viz Video Wall without interrupting the flow of the presentation.
Controlling graphics from the palm of your hand
Our latest control application, Viz Anchor, empowers your on-air talents to do what they do best: present content in a compelling way that is not troubled by technical restrictions. Viz Anchor is a new iPad application that integrates seamlessly with existing Vizrt workflows. It provides a subset of the functionality of Vizrt’s other control applications, such as Viz Content Pilot and Viz Trio, and makes it available on the iPad. This enables the presenter to have an updated version of the playlist available in the palm of his hand.
Controlling graphics from the palm of your hand
Our latest control application, Viz Anchor, empowers your on-air talents to do what they do best: present content in a compelling way that is not troubled by technical restrictions. Viz Anchor is a new iPad application that integrates seamlessly with existing Vizrt workflows. It provides a subset of the functionality of Vizrt’s other control applications, such as Viz Content Pilot and Viz Trio, and makes it available on the iPad. This enables the presenter to have an updated version of the playlist available in the palm of his hand.
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