Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Mount NFS Share Server 2008R2

Mount NFS Share Server 2008R2
if you’re either stuck in the dark ages, or just Prefer Linux to windows, this blog is for you, how to mount a NFS share on  Server 2008R2
On server 2008, go to the Server manager, and Add/Remove Programs
for my example, i already have file services installed on this server, if it’s not, install it as a role, and add this feature, services for NFS
install the role
from there it’s time to open up a command line
type the following:
mount ip-of-nfs-server:/NFS-Share W:
mount command, nfs server info, and the Local Drive Letter, it should look like so:
from there you should get a successful confirmation, check your computer to see if it mounted